Your horoscope for the week ahead: Invest in your closest relationships as Cancer season begins | CBC Life


Speaking from the heart could become second nature at the start of this week, particularly as communication-ruling Mercury enters intuitive Cancer on Monday. Our imagination also tends to intensify when the messenger planet moves through the cardinal water sign. But while this energy might encourage us to tune into our surroundings, or perhaps even find inspiration in them, it could make us feel more contemplative and private as well. Don’t hesitate to retreat inward during this transit — just be mindful not to close yourself off to love and friendship in the process. 

You’ll want to keep an eye on your energy levels when the ego-ruling sun in impulsive Gemini squares dreamy Neptune in temperamental Pisces on Thursday. Prioritizing rest is key under this influence, so don’t be afraid to take a step back from things to protect your peace and reconnect with your inner voice. It can also be difficult to see things as they truly are under this aspect, so if you happen to receive some bad news, you may find it clarifying to seek a second opinion. 

A couple hours later, the spirit-driving sun will make his way into sensitive Cancer as we greet the first day of summer. Cancer season is a beautiful time to invest in our closest relationships and retreat to places that make us feel safe. And since we tend to be less outgoing when the sun travels through this sign, we may also find ourselves focusing more on our own thoughts and emotions. Starting now and throughout the next few weeks, do your best harness this transit’s introspective energy to get back in touch with your artistic ambitions and create something that brings you joy. 

Then, when persuasive Mercury sextiles courageous Mars on Friday, we may notice just how much power our words hold, and could even feel emboldened to broach tough subjects and stand up for our beliefs. This aspect is known to boost our collective sense of confidence and empathy, too, which makes it a great time to socialize. Have fun meeting new people and engaging in deep conversations — you could end up inviting meaningful change into your life or forging a friendship that will really go the distance. 

The atmosphere could seem as though it’s twinkling with promise when the emotion-ruling moon waxes full in go-getting Capricorn later on Friday. During this lunation, we’re called to celebrate our accomplishments and take up space in the process. You can also take advantage of this sweet strawberry moon to release the old and encourage new dreams to blossom. 

Your horoscope for the week of Monday, June 17, 2024.


When was the last time you really examined your habits, Aries? Taking a step back to ponder your daily behaviours — and where they might stem from — could prove extra useful at the beginning of this week. Don’t hesitate to confide in your loved ones in the process; they could offer key wisdom for optimizing your schedule. Then, as Cancer season arrives, you could start to feel more drawn into your domestic realm. From now though the next few weeks, enjoy relaxing with your inner circle and gathering inspiration close to home. If you use it wisely, this regenerative time could provide you some brilliant ideas and goals to work toward.


Does it feel as though everyone is talking about money lately, Taurus? Taking part in these conversations can expose you to new ideas for increasing your earning potential, but it can also fill your mind with a fresh stack of problems to overcome. So this week, try to take a break from all the budgeting and strategizing; finding time to decompress will help ease your mind and give you the clarity you require to make sound decisions. Then, as Cancer season begins, your inbox could start to fill up with invitations. Try not to overcommit so that you can prioritize your nearest and dearest. 


Are you ready to come back down to earth this week, Gemini? After spending your astrological season on cloud nine, you’ll be called to refocus your energy on establishing more stability and security in your world. Be ready to review your budget and face your finances head-on; money matters may feel daunting at first, but creating a sustainable plan for managing your resources will ultimately allow you to reconnect with your courageous, can-do spirit. This weekend, do your best to let go of any lingering what-ifs you may have — especially when it comes to romance. Be confident in your decisions and see them through.  


Has something been weighing on your heart as of late, Cancer? The next few weeks of your astrological season will be an ideal time to speak up and get everything out in the open. Don’t be afraid to run your beliefs and ideas by your loved ones before you share them with the world; your nearest and dearest could be a useful sounding board. Then, you may find yourself drawing more strength from your relationships this weekend, as the people around you encourage you to take a bow for your recent accomplishments. Enjoy a little admiration — and use it to help you reach the next level. 


How much does your emotional state impact what you consume, Leo? From now through the next few weeks, you’ll be called to ask yourself this question as you examine your relationship with your possessions, income and value. Using this time to really take stock of your finances and spending habits can help you reclaim your power and make more responsible decisions with your hard-earned cash. Then, as summer kicks off mid-week, it’ll be a beautiful moment to get contemplative and reconnect with your instincts so you can be more selective with your time and energy moving forward. 


Friends can often act as windows to new worlds, Virgo. In fact, looking at things through the eyes of your favourite people can be a beautiful way to find new appreciation for the amazing possibilities that lay before you in work, life and love. So this week, take the initiative and set aside some time to reconnect with your nearest and dearest; hearing their perspectives may even encourage you to take a leap of faith and chase a fresh career opportunity. Then, as summer arrives mid-week, you could feel inspired to burst out of your comfort zone and invite new people into your world. 


Don’t underestimate your influence, Libra. You may have a subtler approach to discussing your ambitions and goals than some, but this often allows you to make a stronger impression on people in your network in the long run. Keep that in mind during your professional interactions from now through the next few weeks. If you’ve been wanting to create something meaningful at work, this will be an ideal opportunity to mould your vision with your words. Seize this moment to turn on the charm and step into the spotlight; your charismatic personality will be key to your success as you seek to gain favour with gatekeepers and cement your reputation.


It’s time to let your guard down, Scorpio. Opening up to your loved ones about your interests and aspirations could help you generate fresh ideas for your career or perhaps even inspire you to pursue a more fulfilling path. From now through the next four weeks, challenge yourself to think outside the box as you plot your next professional move. Giving yourself a change of scenery could also help rewire your thinking and shift the way that you operate moving forward. By the time the weekend arrives, you’ll be excited to share some of your learnings with the people you love most; try not to hold anything back. 


You’re known for being an excellent detective, Sagittarius. But from now through the next few weeks, your already strong intuition could intensify, helping you pick up on subtle clues in your relationships to navigate delicate situations. Still, you’ll be wise to hold your cards close to your chest in both professional and romantic matters throughout this period; choosing to reveal your intel to others must be done carefully. Meanwhile, if this energy starts to become a bit taxing, consider taking some time to look inward. A little solitude could help you see just how interconnected you are with others — and how this web fortifies your world. 


A little brainstorming can go a long way, Capricorn. So starting now and throughout the next few weeks, take every opportunity you get to think out loud with your business and romantic partners. Talking things out with people you trust could help you identify some surprising ideas and solutions. You may also find your powers of negotiation are strengthened throughout this period. Use this superpower to arbitrate between opposing parties and help your peers find remedies for long-standing problems. Then, over the weekend, be ready to accept praise and compliments from people you hold dear — your star will be shining extra bright. 


Be mindful of who you discuss your passion projects with this week, Aquarius. You could experience some friction when chatting with people who think they know better than you, so remember to really consider the source before you let their criticism affect your mood. Continuing to pursue your dreams wholeheartedly is the best way to work against this energy. Then, as Cancer season begins, you may feel driven to streamline your schedule. Take this opportunity to remove what’s no longer working so you can maximize your limited time and carve out more space for the people who make your heart jump this summer.


The world is your playground, Pisces. Starting now and throughout the next few weeks, you’ll be blessed with extra confidence and charisma, helping you navigate romantic relationships with flair, regardless of your status. With your powers of flirtation amplified, this will be a wonderful moment for singles to mix things up and for attached Pisces to boost their egos. Not interested in romance? This electric energy can also translate to creative endeavours, encouraging you to reconnect with your inner artist. Seek out activities that fuel your fire to keep your momentum going as the summer heats up. 

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